Saturday, August 7, 2010


As I've mentioned before, I'm exercising on a completely different level than my previous pregnancy.  Through the first trimester nausea running always helped subside the queasiness.  I never understood why but just went with it.  Now that I'm almost upon my 18th week, I am just thrilled that I'm still able to continue running and exercising as I have been.  Well, with a slower pace and lifting lighter weights but I feel good about the way my clothes fit (no maternity shopping yet).  Mentally and physically I feel very strong. 

While I was researching running during pregnancy I came across this blog.  I mean, WOW.  She was running 13 miles per DAY up until her 7th month of pregnancy.  Not a good idea for me or anyone of a normal fitness level.  She gained a measly 15 pounds during her pregnancy and exercised 2 hours a day.  Shortly after delivering her baby (which, as far as they know, is completely healthy) she ran her first ultra.  Okay, so I get it, she's on a different level than most but running that much is just nuts even not pregnant.  And all that coming from a gal who loves to run.  I see hip replacements in her future.  Probably before she's 50.

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