Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Simple Not-So-Secret

This isn't a secret at all. It's in fact what we have to do more often than not if we want to travel places we haven't yet arrived. But then there's the discussion of if we ever really do really "arrive." And when we arrive then what do we do? You see I think the biggest misconception is the lie we all believe. The lie that if we can just hit the goal that we've set on a pedestal for ourselves, then and only then, will we be happy/complete/whole/successful. This is the lie that most of us believe and so we live mediocre lives because we feel that what we have at the current moment isn't good enough. That life will be so much better if we can just lose "x" amount of pounds or attain some certain level of achievement. It's a lie that holds us hostage from joy. Instead of relishing in what we have, we focus on all the things we don't have and all the areas in our life that we've fallen short.

So my challenge is that from this insight you will look at where you want to go. Because there's absolutely nothing wrong with knowing where you want to go. Just understand this concept so much that it travels from your brain to your heart and you 150% grasp this nugget of truth: The path to get there is a NEVER ENDING PATH. There's no stopping point until we stop sucking air.

So if you meditate on this concept over the next few weeks realize that your life needs to have just enough discipline in it that you can practice it over and over again. If the discipline is so vigorous that it cannot be maintained long term then you are not grasping this concept. Let me illustrate. Say you want to lose 20 pounds. Instead of dieting away and seeing incredible progress in a short amount of time (everything that the latest magazine/facebook diet page/book/TV show tells you that needs to happen in order to be successful) but isn't sustainable for a long period of time do something else. Because strict dieting isn't the answer. All that happens with strict dieting is losing a bunch of weight and not really tapping into the true source. The root cause of the problem is not the 20 pounds you have to lose. If you talk to anyone who has lost weight and kept it off they will tell you it wasn't the weight that was the problem. It was the  person they looked in the mirror every morning when brushing their teeth. See, we all have different desires, genetics, and food and exercise preferences. It's not longer about finding the latest fad diet but it's about figuring out what you want to work towards and what you're willing to do on a weekly basis to get there over a long period of time.  Instead of wishing you could lose the weight start wishing that you'd fall in love with exercise and fall in love with the process of eating nutritious foods. That your desire to eat foods that have no nutritional value would diminish. This is a goal that takes years of work but once you've tapped into this you will never go back. There's no regaining the weight with this method.

I'm into something called best practices. It's where you find someone who is living the way you desire to live. It's someone that has perfected one of your weaknesses. I've been doing this in my life over the past few years and have found it to be the easiest way to get answers and change my patterns. There's a trick though! You have to be able to let go of the false beliefs you used to have and really dive into something different with a ton of faith that it will work. If you don't believe it will work, IT WILL NOT WORK.

So you see, it's not about the actions it's about the thoughts we have towards the actions. The thoughts have got to be healthy balanced thoughts so our actions, journey and results can be as well!!!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Living without Regret

Do the words on this picture resonate? Ever feel like a hamster on a wheel? After all, the American game does look something like this:

1. Buy nice things to feel good and/or impress others so that they feel good about us.
2. Work like a dog in order to pay for the things that we "need" in order to impress/fit in with the rest of society.
3. Work hard and make a decent income (heck, people making $30,000/year are in the top 1% of the world in earnings) but all our earnings seem to evaporate by the end of each month. There's nothing left to invest in ourselves whether it be monetary retirement or physical retirement. Right now many of the folks that are at the retirement stage of life have no money (they spent it all throughout the their life and didn't save for the future). They are in pretty bad physical shape because they worked so hard (mostly at a sedentary job) and didn't spend portions of time taking care of their body via exercise or eating healthy.

The number one reason a person gives as to why they can't hire a trainer is finances.  Trust me, I am a HUGE believer in proper money management so I can relate to this but here's what I've also realized through some observation.  We can't afford upping our exercise/health budget but daily trips to Starbucks, eating out a handful of meals per week at restaurants, smart phones, new cars, new clothes, vacations and/or manicures/pedicures can get squeezed into the budget.  What do all of those things listed have in common? They are all instant gratification types of things.  They make us happy now. There is no delay in pleasure.

What I would urge you to do if you feel as though I might have been describing parts of your life is learn how to get OUT of the hamster wheel.  Start being weird! Start saying no, set boundaries, shoot for a goal and stay focused. Also realize we are the most marketed to population in the history of the world.  All day long we are marketed to in some way or another (I am kind of doing it right now:)

Two things that can help you get there. The first is taking control of your finances and the best person I know to do that is Mr. Ramsey. You can start by reading his book.
Secondly, we can start making exercise and healthy eating a part of your life FOR GOOD! Maybe that means this year you spend a little more on yourself because if you're reading this right now and realize that what you've done in the past hasn't worked it's time to change things up.  Maybe it means spending a little more and investing in a trainer, small group training program, a class, or a gym membership (that you are committed to using).  No matter how you look at it, we live in a time where the reality is a rat race. It takes a persistent effort to continually fight against the norm.

Want to know a little secret I use in figuring out how to spend my money and time? I thinking about what I would have wished I would have done when I'm 80 years old looking back on my life. I can guarantee when I'm 80 I will have wished I exercised regularly, ate healthy foods, and invested money for retirement.  Although I've got to be honest and finish the rest of this: I will also want to look back on a happy healthy life of serving others, letting loose every once in awhile, loving those around me with my whole heart and taking it all in...never taking anything for granted, being grateful and living with purpose and integrity.  This is what I call living without regret!