Friday, October 31, 2008

Think Before You Bite!

That's all I've got to say as far as Halloween advice goes. Well except for just don't eat it and throw the candy out once the day is over. Remember, full-time job? Don't take a vacation day today. Stay on task!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Beyond Dreams

Weight loss for many is a dream. We all want to look and feel better and dream of the day that will happen. I think dreaming is wonderful, something everyone should do. However, from a dream can be two different routes:

1. The dream can turn into a wish. "Please let me lose the weight."

2. The dream can turn into a plan. "I'm going to make my dream a reality by executing this plan I have for myself."

Take action! Start evaluating what you spend your time doing. Create a detailed plan of how to reach your goal. Trust me, if you are able to do everything in your power in order to make your weight-loss dreams a reality, things will start to fall into place and work in your favor.

I don't believe anyone that has been successful with weight loss accidentally got there. It needs to be more like a full-time job. Start spending lots of time at the gym. Begin to be very aware of each and every bite of food that enters your body. Work hard, don't make excuses and don't give up.

I know we are all busy Americans and all of us have some sort of full-time job. However, there are 168 hours in one week. How we choose to spend that time is our decision. Think about how you spend your time. Evaluate your daily schedule and make time for your new job. I think we can all find extra time for something so important. I never said this weight-loss thing would be easy so maybe it has to be a job for a little bit. A career path that you can't quit.

Start now. Begin today by creating a plan to make weight-loss your new career venture.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Clients of the Month: SF and KC Marathon Teams

I am so thrilled that so many ladies completed either the Nike Women's Marathon or KC Marathon last weekend. It's been a long road for these ladies but I think they can all agree they are happy they did it! Most all of the ladies decided back in March to commit to this race; what an accomplishment to see it out to the end.
Way to go ladies, I am so incredibly proud of you all!

Congratulations Johnna, Sharon, Mary, Cathy, Sara, Vicki, Brenda, Megan, and Sondra!

Nike Women's Marathon

What a great weekend! Nike put on a great event, here are all the details!!
Friday we picked up our race packets. Along with that there were complimentary manicures and massages. They had speakers and free picture taking booths along with coupons and other free goodies.

Along the wall of NikeTown was everyone's names that entered the race. I found mine....not sure if that makes it official?!

Friday was fun, along with riding the cable cars and doing touristy things like seeing Alcatrez and the Crooked Street, it was a good day.

Saturday nothing exciting happened except the pre-race dinner. All I will say is it was yummy, guilt-free carbs!

Sunday was the race. Here's a summary of how my race went:
Mile 1-10: Felt GREAT! I stopped to take pictures and enjoyed the scenery.
Mile 8: Met some new friends. They are from Canada, I ran the rest of the race with them.
Mile 12: Feet began to hurt slightly.
Mile 16 or 17: I hit a wall. I actually thought to myself, this isn't really that fun. I could quit now and be just fine with that. However, the thought of regret entered my mind. No, I could not quit (but I wanted to).
Mile 22: My thought, "having a baby is easier than this."

I finished and boy and I'm glad I did. Now I don't have to do that ever again! Don't get me wrong, it was fun to train for it and work towards it but I just don't think I am cut out to be a marathon runner.

Monday Aaron and I went to Napa Valley!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I'm just getting back from being gone for 5 days so I'm trying to catch up on some blog entries.

I had a client email me today and I thought it was good. She came to the realization that she wants the results so bad but yet doesn't want to work for it. This really hit home to me because I think we can all relate. It's easy to want something but do we want it so badly that we'll do anything to get it?

The seasons have changed; the sun isn't out as much, right now it's raining, it's cold and dreary outside. Fall/Winter weather really doesn't make me want to go out and do much of anything but stay in where it's warm. Luckily....there are fitness centers that have indoor exercising! I want to challenge you to fight the urge to hibrinate this fall and winter. Get off the couch in your warm blanket and head to the gym! Set some small goals for the coming season. Do the work so you can get the results! It doesn't happen any other way!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Amazing Human Body

I think it's absolutely fascinating what the human body can do when put to the test. When progressively training thus forcing the body to adapt. Take David Blaine for example, he never ceases to amaze me as just earlier this year David held his breath in a water-filled tank for 17 minutes, 4 seconds. What was so interesting is that they showed how he trained for the big event and the progression that took place. David said he just started to hold his breath a little bit longer each time, gradually increasing in time. Interestingly enough he had a very vigorous exercise regimen to keep his body in top shape also forcing his body to adapt. Although an extreme example, the point is I don't think we give our individual body enough credit for what it can do.

The same is true for the seven other women that are traveling to San Francisco with me to complete the Nike Women's Marathon this weekend. We all decided back in March to train for this race and force our bodies to adapt to long mileage. I am so incredibly proud of these women for sticking it out and pushing their body to the limit!

The idea of this post isn't to brag on others but to inspire a challenge. You too can create a challenge for yourself. Think of something that sounds fun and go for it! Start small, maybe something within reach and go for it. Also, be good to your body...after all it does so much for you!

(Note: Your challenge should not be holding your breath for an extended amount of time...too dangerous)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Good Idea!

Beginning in 2011, the state of California will require all franchise chains with more than 15 restaurants post calories on the menu. Of course this is only California now but I'm optimistic that it will catch on!

Read this article for more information, including what to eat and what not to eat at the chain restaurants and the book Eat This, Not That book by David Zinczenko.

Calories on the Menu

Monday, October 6, 2008

Reciprocal Inhibition

I like to sprinkle this blog with tidbits of information here and there. The idea is that you've never heard of this before and you can add it to your memory bank with the possibility to dazzle your friends and family. Hey, the holidays are coming up and what wouldn't be more exciting to talk about the reciprocal inhibition around the table?

Ah, where to begin...Reciprocal Inhibition is an an exercise science term which means that muscle on one side of a joint contracts while the antagonistic (or opposite) muscle relaxes. So when the quadriceps are contracting your brain sends relaxation signals to the hamstrings. This is actually one of my favorite concepts! I like it because while our body typically does this on it's own it's important to realize what's going. If for some reason, both muscles along either side of a joint contract at the same time a tear can occur resulting in injury. Not always can this happen but if the movement is vigorous enough the muscles strain and actually work against each other simultaneously causing pain.

Here's how it works:
1. Take a book and hold it in your palm face up with your arm extended.
2. Feel your biceps (the part of the arm midway between the elbow and shoulder joint facing up). Feel how it's contracting, it's tight because it's contracted.
3. Next feel your tricep (the part of the arm midway between the elbow and shoulder joints on the underneath side facing down). Feel how flax and loose it feels. It's relaxed.

I think this is important in lots of areas of exercise because to effectively work a certain muscle the opposing muscle needs to be completely relaxed. Think about that the next time you exercise with me!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

In a Funk

I don't know if it's been the cooler weather but this week has definitely been off. Why does it have to get cold?! I think this week has been a funk and maybe you can relate and then I would know it's not just's the weather! Or maybe it is just me:) Whatever the case, I realize the funk exists. I've discovered one of the worst things in life is denial. I'm over that! So with the funk in mind, here's some ways to take action if you find yourself feeling similar to me!

1. Go on a walk. My husband, son and I did so this week and boy did it work. Yes the weather is cooler but the temperature is perfect for walking.

2. Rent a movie. I also tried this out! Last night I persuaded my husband watch the romantic comedy, Made of Honor, and I lost myself for a bit. It was good, both the movie and the break from reality.

3. Go on or plan for a vacation. I'm getting to this! Only 11 more days until we leave for San Franciso!

4. Do something nice for someone else. Although I haven't done this its a great way to get the focus off self and onto someone else. The feeling will leave you both very happy.

5. Go to the Spa. This might be my escape for everything. No, I haven't gone to the spa lately but everytime I do I feel so much better. The relaxing atmosphere mixed with the pampering is a cure-all!

Now off to getting used to the cooler weather....

Friday, October 3, 2008

Great Idea for Halloween

If you have kids this is a wonderful idea on how to moderate candy intake.

Halloween Candy