Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I'm just getting back from being gone for 5 days so I'm trying to catch up on some blog entries.

I had a client email me today and I thought it was good. She came to the realization that she wants the results so bad but yet doesn't want to work for it. This really hit home to me because I think we can all relate. It's easy to want something but do we want it so badly that we'll do anything to get it?

The seasons have changed; the sun isn't out as much, right now it's raining, it's cold and dreary outside. Fall/Winter weather really doesn't make me want to go out and do much of anything but stay in where it's warm. Luckily....there are fitness centers that have indoor exercising! I want to challenge you to fight the urge to hibrinate this fall and winter. Get off the couch in your warm blanket and head to the gym! Set some small goals for the coming season. Do the work so you can get the results! It doesn't happen any other way!

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