Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Secret! How To Succeed with Weight Loss in the New Year

Well....hello there!!! Yes, it's been awhile since I've blogged last.  Oh how I've missed you blog!!!

Now let's dig into the nitty gritty! The picture to the left might seem like a weird picture to post with this entry.  However, when looking for an image for this post it seemed most fitting.  I'll explain in a minute.

The secret to losing weight, living healthy and being fit boils down to.....drum-roll please.....little successes along the way!! Motivation is key but motivation can quickly leave. The trick is to stay motivated and how we stay motivated is by seeing progress.  The progress can come in many forms:

1) Feeling Better Overall!
2) More Energy
3) Better Sleep Quality
4) Looser Clothes
5) More Confidence
6) Improved Mood
7) Better Self Talk
8) Lower Number on the Scale
9) Better Food Choices
10) Others Noticing a Difference in Us
11) Feeling Stronger
12) Getting More Flexible
13) Our Body Moving Better
14) Increased Stamina
15) Being Able to Do Something that used to be Impossible

Did you notice something with this list?  There are FIFTEEN items listed and only ONE deals with the scale.  There are so many ways we can have success.  Granted, the one we put most stock into deals with the scale.  I hope after reading this post your eyes will be opened to all the other ways you can have success with exercise and eating in the new year. Focus on those successes and notice ALL the changes. Use that as fuel all year long!

Back to the picture.  I personally love this picture and it motivates me.  In it I see expression, flexibility and quite a bit of what I'd like to refer to as "spunky health".  To start this process of motivation find a picture that moves you.  One that you can look at and be inspired all year. This is my picture.  When I look at it I'm inspired to be a healthier version of me!! My challenge to you is to do the same!!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Conclusions about Food Today

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and this it what I've come up with: I believe that in order to maintain a healthy weight and/or obtain weight loss it's all about keeping the HUNGER* at bay.  Think about it, if we can keep ourselves satisfied throughout the day by eating every couple of hours and keeping our body fueled then we can keep ourselves in check by not going crazy nuts because we're so ravenously hungry. I know for myself personally I will make good food choices if I'm not starving.  So the idea is to never let yourself get to the point of hunger*. If that happens we've lost control.  Maintain control. If every night you lose control because you are so hungry since you haven't eaten enough throughout the day, stop the crazy cycle and eat and drink more (water) throughout the day. Chances are you are starving yourself and possibly even dehydrating yourself to the point of crashing at night.  So all the deprivation and do-good that you thought you did during the day is undone by the night eating.

*Means that we allow ourselves to get past the point of hungry to starvation.  We will do anything for food and once the food is in our presence it is devoured.  Typically this said food is of high carb and sugar levels.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wonder Wednesday: Ups and Downs

The first few days of 2012 haven't quite panned out how I'd like.  Yesterday I found myself in the ER with a severe allergic reaction (we think) to who knows what.  I was pumped five different drugs in order to get it under control.  Not a fun way to begin the year.  Since one of the drugs was a steriod I had a raging hunger when I got home.  So now I find myself 5 pounds heavier and a bit swollen and achey.  I'm feeling much better but it make me realize one thing: in order to keep living  healthy; I have to expect that their will be days like yesterday.  The yesterday's will happen it's just a matter of not letting them get to me or even surprise me because it's inevitable that they will happen.  So I pick myself back up and keep truckin' along.....which is what I'd ask of everyone who reads this.  Come back to it if you have to remember that no one has it 100% easy all the time.  We're all in this together, we just have to continue to encourage one another.

Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 Tracking

Had to share these target $1 finds. First up is this food tracker.

Food journaling is one of the best ways to keep yourself accountable to what you put in your body. Find one just like this at target in the $1 area. Also $1 is the pocket calendar.  I use this to track my exercise and good eating for the day.  All you have to do is set an intention and follow through. This helps me keep going. I can see what I've done at the end of the month and it feels good. Honestly sometimes I workout just so I can write it down. Hey, whatever works!