Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Health & Money

Money and fitness go hand in hand. Check it out!

1. Poor people that do rich people things become rich.
2. Unhealthy people that do healthy things become healthy.

3. Saving $85 a month doesn't seem like much but after a year it adds up to over $1000. A good amount of spending cash!
4. Losing 5 pounds a month doesn't seem like much but after a year it adds up to 60 pounds gone! A handful of dress sizes different.

5. Money is all about daily choices and self control.
6. Health is all about daily choices and self control.

7. It's hard work and dedication but you can get out of debt.
8. It's hard work and dedication but you can lose weight.

9. It's all about changing spending habits and sticking with it.
10. It's all about changing food and exercise habits and sticking with it.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Very interesting and true.