Sunday, July 27, 2008

Be Intentional

I firmly believe that if you really want to do something you have to plan for it. Otherwise it never happens. Here's two things I do to stay on track:

1. Make regular workout appointments. Typically I schedule 4 times/week to exercise. This is something that's the same time each week.

2. Make a monthly meal plan. This is something I've just implemented due to going out to eat for dinner too much thus going over budget (both monetary and caloric). I have a word document that has the whole month of August planned out for dinners. I printed it out and now it's hanging on the side of my fridge. Typically I follow the advice of Dr. Oz and eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch. This makes eating a no-brainer and something my body always expects. So my calendar only has dinner plans. Literally this took about 5 minutes to do. Try it!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Mandy I have been doing a menu plan for a very long time. One other thing that I have implemented to help with the meal planning is a list of all the dishes that we like to eat. I have made a comprehensive list of every meal the family eats. From sandwiches to fancy stuff. I have organized it and keep it handy for those times when I feel like we are in a rut and eating the same thing all the time. I look at the list to make up menu plans. After making the menu plans, I take stock of my pantry. Then I make a grocery list. There are many staples that I keep on hand for those times when we don't want to eat what is planned. It also helps when teaching my daughter how to cook.