Thursday, September 2, 2010

Carb Lovers Diet: Myth or Miracle?

Oh boy do I love me some carbs!  Before this pregnancy I was what I classified, a flexitarian.  Meaning my meat intake was very limited.  I did this because I really didn't like the thought of meat anyway (pregnancy has changed that).  In combination with reading a few books and watching some documentaries I was convinced limiting my meat intake would be a good thing.  Funny thing happened though, I really found myself eating way too many carbs which didn't do much good for my body because I was always hungry for more carbs.  They never satisfied.

Pregnancy has been a different story though.  I eat quite a bit of protein throughout the day via protein shakes, cottage cheese (did you know it has 14 grams of protein in a half cup serving of 100 calories?), meat and my occasional Greek yogurt (which serves as a sweet substitute).  I'm sure I get at least 100 grams of protein per day.  I'm typically done eating by dinner time (I feel like crappo if I don't stop plus I gain a whole bunch of weight it I eat late at night).  So the protein I get keeps me full and satisfied throughout the day. 

However, I came across this book, The Carb Lovers Diet and am intrigued but very skeptical because it's backwards from everything I know.  If you want to learn more about the book, the author and the premise behind the book check out this link for a quick video interview with the author.  I will say the main idea behind the carb diet is to eat resistant starch.  It's starch that is not converted to glucose for short term energy (as we would think a typical carb does) but rather is digested through the large intestine and acts like a dietary fiber.

It's a pretty cheap buy on amazon and I have a list of other books so I might give this a whirl just to get some perspective.  I still think everything in moderation and will most likely never give advice to be drastic in any certain micronutrient reduction but I couldn't help but share this new finding.

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