Monday, September 13, 2010

Motivation Monday: Wall of Quotes

I love quotes. So I loved when we went to visit Dave Ramsey's studio that he had a full wall of quotes.  One reason I love Dave Ramsey is because he just make sense.  Common Sense.  The other reason is because virtually everything he talks about with money can be related to fitness or health or just plain lifestyle.  In this so easy, comfortable world it takes a lot of effort to be disciplined with money, food, and exercise.  They all go together. 

Quote from the wall:
"If you do poor people stuff, you'll be poor.  If you do rich people stuff, you'll be rich." -Dave Ramsey
My version of the quote:
If you do fat people stuff, you'll be fat.  If you do fit people stuff, you'll be fit." -Mandy Froehlich

Quote from the wall:
"A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went."
My version:
A food plan is telling your food where to go instead of finding out later where it went-your hips.

Quote from the wall:
"There's a great place to go when your broke-to work!"
My version:
There's a great place to go when you're fat-the gym!"

Quote from the wall:
"Normal is broke! Be weird!"
My version:
"Normal is fat! Be weird!"

Quote from the wall:
"A broke finance professor is like a shop teacher without fingers."
My version:
"An unhealthy trainer is like a shop teacher without fingers."

Oh I could to this all day! To actually read the quotes just click on the picture to make it bigger.

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