Monday, October 18, 2010

Motivation Monday: Training for Health

What are you training for?  How will your daily habits and routines affect your long term health?  We're all training for something but often don't look at our life as a training ground for what's to come.  What if we looked at the small decisions we make throughout the day as how it will affect our life long term?  For example, we could look at daily soda consumption as an example of training for possible brittle bones, tooth decay, brain tumors, diabetes, high blood pressure, poor digestion, and weight gain.  There are so many endeavors we can train for with either positive or negative outcomes in the long run.  Don't live in the moment of what sounds good temporarily.  Live for the long run.  It's not drastic or flashy just small changes over a long period of time.

Other possible trainings:

-Training for career advancement-working long hours, not sleeping enough, putting your career ahead of yourself and making little time for things that will benefit you in the long run.

-Training a child to be a healthy adult-giving your kid healthy food, letting them see your active lifestyle and what you put in your mouth.  Exemplifying what a healthy adult looks like.  Actions speak so much louder than words.

-Training for a healthy pregnancy-making healthy decisions daily, staying active and not using the "I'm eating for two mentality."

-Training for nothing-no focus, just going through the motions of life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice article, keep the posts coming