Monday, July 19, 2010

Motivation Monday: Rebalace

From Jillian Michael's book, Master Your Metabolism. This information is from Chapter 7, the rebalancing stage in her plan.  She's referring to rebalancing your hormones.  Here's her guidelines.  They're guidelines I've preached for years, not rocket science, but great ways to keep or get your metabolism working for you. 

1. Eat Every 4 hours-no excuses!
2. Eat Breakfast-Always!
3. You must not eat after 9pm-and especially never eat carbs before bed. period.

I have a few ladies that read my online food journal.  They are always amazed at how I will turn the day around.  That I will eat something really high in carbs or sweets by lunch time but then finish the day strong with good choices.  I'm not bragging on myself but rather stating I eat crappy too some days.  But I try to eat the crappy carbs early in the day versus late at night.  I figure I have more time to burn it off throughout the afternoon and evening.  It's the opposite of the all or nothing mentality.

1 comment:

Renee said...

Well crud, I wish I would have read this BEFORE the cereal I just ate:) Work in progress......