Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 Lists Archived

The list is complete.  The workouts are done.  The books have been read.  The end of the year is always a weird feeling.  This year is no different.  Sure I feel accomplished.  I met my goals for the year.  There is a sense of "a weight being lifted off my shoulders" mixed with a slight feeling of anxiety.  As a list maker I realized there are 2 distinct parts to "the list."  Part 1 is completing the list and part 2 is short time in between when there is no list. I get a teensy bit anxious when I have no clear direction.  One thing I have realized over the last 4 years of tracking my workouts is I need to track them.  It's just my personality. Zig Ziglar says it best "when you aim at nothing you will hit it every time." That resonates with me because I can go back to weeks this year where I completed a workout just to be able to write it down.   

As for the books of 2011, there were quite a few that were pretty darn amazing.  My father-in-law has always said that you will know the impact a book has on you if you can recall the information 6 months later.  The books that I can do this with but also really hit home are highlighted below.  That's not to say the others didn't but the ones highlighted were paradigm shifters and/or were huge insight reads.

Here she is: the type-A, list-making, organizing, tracking page that makes me real nerdy.

20 Books
Curiosity should be my middle name. Gaining new knowledge is a passion. I love reading but have to make a list and check it off as each book is completed. Otherwise, books are rarely opened. So here's to year number two at reading 20 books in 52 weeks.

1. On Becoming Babywise (Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam)
2. Cruise Ship or Nursing Home (Lerner, Loman, Majors, Pellow, Shuemake)
3. Chi Running (Danny and Katherine Dreyer)
4. Weird: Because Normal Isn't Working (Graig Groeschel)
5. The Coffe Mom's Devotional (Celeste Palermo)
6. The 10 Habits of Happy Mothers (Meg Meeker, MD)
7. The Power of a Praying Parent (Stomir Omartian)
8. More Than Enough (Dave Ramsey)
9. Crazy Love (Francis Chan)
10. Heaven is for Real (Todd Burpo)
11. Radical (David Platt)
12. Made to Crave (Lysa TerKeurst)
13. Intuitive Eating (Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch)
14. The One Minute Entrepreneur (Ken Blanchard, Don Hutson, Ethan Willis)

15. Catching Fire (Suzanne Collins)
16. Mocking Jay (Suzanne Collins)
17. Boys Should Be Boys (Meg Meeker)-IP
18. The Edge of Evolution (Dr. Michael J. Behe)-IP
19. Poser my life in twenty-three yoga poses (Claire Dederer)-IP
20. EntreLeadership (Dave Ramsey)-IP
52 Weekly Workouts
It's a given that exercise is a major part of my weekly routine. It makes me feel a bit more accomplished and motivated to keep at it if I keep track of what I do on a weekly basis. I've done this since 2008. However, this year I thought it would be neat to keep track of it via the "nerdy list" page.

1. 7 miles
2. 5 hours natural childbirth
3. Week of rest/recovery
4. 2 strength workouts
5. 2 strength workouts, 1 yoga class
6. 2 strength workouts, 1 yoga class, 2 miles
7. 2 strength workouts, 1 yoga class, 4 miles
8. 2 strength workouts, 1 yoga class, 2 miles
9. 1 strength workout, 1 yoga class, 3 miles-sick half of week
10. 2 strength workouts, 2 yoga classes, 4 miles
11. 2 strength workouts, 2 yoga classes, 5 miles
12. 1 strength workout, 2 yoga classes, 5 miles
13. 3 strength workouts, 1 yoga class, 6 miles
14. 3 strength workouts, 1 yoga class, 7 miles
15. 1 strength workout, 3 yoga classes, 8 miles
16. 2 strength workouts, 1 yoga class, 3 miles
17. 2 strength workouts, 1 yoga class, 9 miles
18. 2 strength workouts, 3 yoga classes, 7 miles
19. 2 strength workouts, 1 pilates class, 0 miles
20. 2 strength workouts, 10 miles
21. 2 strength workouts, 1 yoga class, 10 miles
22. 2 strength workouts, 11 miles
23. 2 strength workouts, 11 miles
24. None-Bermuda Vacation-Week Off!
25. 1 strength workout, 5 miles-still coming off the vacation+painting whole house
26. 2 strength workouts, 1 yoga class, 5 miles
27. 1 strength workout, 2 yoga classes, 7 miles
28. 3 strength workouts, 12 miles
29. 2 strength workouts, 2 yoga classes, 11 miles
30. 2 strength workouts, 1 yoga class, 9 miles
31. 2 strength workouts, 1 yoga class, 10 miles
32. 2 strength workouts, 2 yoga classes, 10 miles
33. 3 strength workouts, 15 miles
34. 2 strength workouts, 2 yoga classes, 12 miles
35. 2 strength workouts, 2 yoga classes, 8 miles
36. 2 strength workouts, 4 yoga classes, 2 pilates classes, 6 miles
37. 2 strength workouts, 3 pilates classes
38. 1 strength workout, 3 yoga classes, 6 miles
39. 2 strength workouts, 2 yoga classes, 1 pilates class, 6 miles
40. 2 strength workouts, 1 spin class, 6 miles
41. 3 strength workouts, 1 spin class, 8 miles
42. 3 strength workouts, 1 spin class, 6 miles
43. 3 strength workouts, 4 pilates classes, 6 miles
44. 3 strength workouts, 2 yoga classes, 1 pilates class, 6 miles
45. 2 strength workouts, 1 pilates class, 12 miles
46. 3 strength workouts, 8 miles
47. 3 strength workous, 2 yoga classes, 1 aerial yoga class, 1 cardio class, 40 minutes of cardio intervals
48. 3 strength workouts, 1 yoga class, 80 minutes of cardio intervals
49. 4 strength workouts, 1 yoga class, 1 aerial yoga class, 1 spin class, 30 minutes of cardio intervals
50. 3 strength workouts, 1 yoga class, 130 minutes of cardio intervals
51. 3 strength workouts, 2 yoga classes, 1 spin class, 70 minutes of cardio intervals
52. 3 strength workouts, 100 minutes of cardio intervals
Totals for the Year
50 yoga classes
13 pilates classes
4 spin classes
2 aerial yoga classes
100 strength workouts
288 miles
450 minutes of cardio intervals

31 pounds lost*
10% body fat lost
*Disclaimer: was 39 weeks pregnant at the beginning of the year when initially measured. :-)

1 comment:

kristine said...

you go girl! i love your lists and look forward to 2012's! :)