Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Pulling Up or Pushing Down?

Thought: when people talk badly towards us...do we believe it? When people talk good towards us...do we believe it? I find when someone hits a nerve, either good or bad it's highly impactful....either negatively or positively. Why is it that we put so much stalk in others words? This was a post I entered on facebook last week.  I thought it up in my head because recently a good friend told me about someone (another trainer) who had tore me down on their facebook profile.  Granted, I am not friends with this person (on facebook or in person-only acquaintances) so I had no idea they posted such a thing.  I was told that the post had to do with her observance while I was training.  She commented on how horrible the form was and that she wanted to come over and help the people I was working with-clearly stating that I didn't know what I was doing.  One of my good trainer friends told me about this because she thought it was horrible-and if she was in my place she would want to know.  Granted, there is nothing I can do about it, everyone has their opinions.  I just wish that she would have approached me in private and told me her thoughts/disagreements.  But then again, maybe I'm glad she didn't.  

With all that negativeness, I'm attempting to put a positive twist on the situation.  If there is one thing humans have in common it's to be accepted by other people.  When I heard what the trainer said I felt like I had been punched in the stomach.  It hit a nerve.  It hit a nerve because my whole reason for training is to help others "do it the right way."  I have spent countless hours in classes, lectures, reading books, observing the gurus and obtaining degrees and certifications in order to ensure I'm helping others exercise correctly.  So it hit a nerve.  A nerve that everything I had done up until this point wasn't good enough.  A trainer in my industry disapproves of what I'm doing and what I'm about and that made me just plain sick to my stomach.  So then it made me realize that if someone can have this much power over me by saying something negative, surely they can also have quite a bit of power over me by saying something positive?  And it's true, they can.  I am so blessed to be surrounded by good, uplifting people....family, friends, clients and acquaintances.  One thing I try very hard at sustaining is close connections to quality human beings.  People I admire, want to mimic and learn from.  It's selfish, I know but I can't help but be attracted to other humans that possess good characteristics.  So to everyone reading this and to all of you wonderful people out there that only say and do things that pull people up....way to go!  You are doing it right...and that's why I call you my friend.       

What really feels the best is when someone sees something in you that is invisible to your reality thus far.  They see potential that you are blinded by....but once it's pointed out....you are unstoppable!

1 comment:

G! said...

Great post. I appreciate you sharing the pain of hearing something like that and how you processed it. The fact that anyone can find any fault in how you train demonstrates how off-base people can be with negative comments. Which is something I will try to remember the next time something like this happens to me.... and a good reminder to truly appreciate the kindness and support provided by friends.