Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wonder Wednesday: Books!

My relationship with books is love-hate.  I love to read them I just hate finding time to read them. It seems like there isn't enough hours in the day.  This year my goal was to read 20 books: 10 the first half of the year and 10 the second half of the year.  I have 3 books to go.  Right now I'm in the middle of Dave Ramsey's Entreleadership (EL) book.  I love the book and highly recommend any business owner or leader of any type to pick it up.  I think it even deserves a "must read" label.  Granted, I am a faithful Dave Ramsey follower so take my opinion with that in mind.  I think Dave is brilliant.  One page in the book stood out (so far) I want to share it for my wonder Wednesday edition this week....
Focused intensity over time multiplied by God equals unstoppable momentum.

LOVE IT! On page 83-85 of EL he explains that many people can have focused intensity for awhile but not many of us have whatever it takes to keep focused intensly over TIME.....and a long time at that. It's not completely our fault though, we're surrounded by a culture that is fast-paced and ever-changing.  The key may be to never lose focus and know that it takes time.

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