Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thoughs on Thursday: Motivation (or Lack of it)

I have sneaky clients.  They are good for me.  They keep me on my feet and catch me off guard.  I love how they can be so real with me because it helps me help them so much more.  This morning that happened.  I had a really amazing woman tell me she was just not motivated at all.  That she just didn't really care.  Granted, it was early in the morning so it could be a combination of what she said plus the early morning hour. I'm sharing this because you know, this could be you right now.  Maybe you just don't care....and guess what, that's okay.  This will happen in life!  I know I've definitely been there...where I could careless if I did much of anything.  Really, true story.  So I tried real hard this morning to think on my feet.  The combination of me thinking on my feet and early morning is not good.  So I've been chewing on it for a couple of hours (because that's what I do, I chew) and here's what I came up with:
1. Fake it until you feel it. I like this saying because it’s true...while we may not be “feeling” the whole motivation thing right now because of who knows what: the weather, the grey skies, it being Christmas time/hibernation season, or plain just not caring at the moment...we will care at some point so why not keep pushing through until we “feel it?”

2. Growth involves moving out of our “comfort zone.” While it may not be very comfortable to get up a couple of days a week early, you are doing a good, positive thing for yourself. I need to affirm you in this. You are taking care of yourself and getting stronger by the session. This does involve doing something that is uncomfortable because Lord knows it would be much more comfy to stay in bed awhile longer....that warm, toasty, soft, cozy bed. I know, I totally get that.

3. What if you allowed yourself to dream a bit? Go ahead, give yourself permission to daydream! Dream about what you want, what you want your life to look like and what kind of a lifestyle you wanted to have. I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that most all of us want to live a bit more healthily? Dream and then believe in your dream. Add focus and clarity to it. Then it turns into vision.

4. You can do whatever you want to do...the only person that will stop you is yourself. Think of how far you've already come in your life, what you've overcome and what you can continue to push through.  Healthy living is not a quick fix.  It's a constant process of refining.  You can do it....just do yourself a couple of favors: believe in yourself, give yourself grace when things don't happen exactly according to plan and if you do nothing else just keep going, don't stop.