Thursday, September 3, 2009


Is their room in your life for more? Do you freely allow new thoughts, concepts, people, or activities into your life on a regular basis? Or do you hold on tight to what you know? I mean, where the shoes fit really well type of thing?

It's very easy to get sucked into comfy living. Where it's just easier to give into the craving because our body wants the donut we've been feeding it at 9pm every night for the past 3 years. It's just easy and comforting because the strawberry jelly filling is a constant. Oh how our body wants what we regularly feed it. Go out on a limb, muster up some confidence (because you CAN do anything you really want to do) and do something give up your version of the 9pm donut. That would be really living on the edge.

It would be like this killer class (in a good way) I attended tonight. The instructor kept telling us to allow ourselves to go to the edge and stay there. Goodness it wasn't comfortable at all. I mean, holding a plank for a couple of minutes then with no break switching to a side plank, holding that for what seemed like forever, going back to the plank and then to the other side for a plank hold. This instructor pushes me to new levels, places I haven't been before. Maybe I haven't ever thought about going, or was too afraid, or just didn't know how to get there on my own. Who knows. But it was fun and sucked all at the same time. It's definitely empowering to do something that's uncomfortable (even if I did put my knee down for a split second to rest).

Taking an extremely uncomfortable exercise and thinking through the, "why am I doing this to myself" question that pops into my mind every once in awhile allows me to refocus. Refocusing is good because I often lose sight of what I was after from the very beginning. And hopefully it will help me keep things that are uncomfortable in my life around long enough so that eventually they'll become comfortable.

1 comment:

Renee said...

I needed to read this post BEFORE I attempted the 90 second plank on the workout today:) I'm much more motivated with you there counting down the time!

It's funny you should post this today though, because I was going to email you to tell you I actually did the workout you emailed us today. It's very far out of my comfort zone to go to the gym and do anything but cardio on my own. I made myself go through the workout (and even added a little extra running) and I was very proud of myself for following through!

Good work on the class today - makes me tired just to read about it;)

See you soon,
