Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Training Never Ends

I think that's the single most important concept to get through our heads. It's so easy to work short term for a weight loss goal. That being said, I can't help but share this a part of an email Jillian Michael's sent out this week. It's from a gal who finally got the concept, "training never ends."

"Eight years ago when I graduated from high school, my highest weight ranged between 210 to 215 lbs. Fed up of the extra weight, I decided to go on a diet. Yes, a diet NOT a lifestyle change. I did it my way: calorie restricted and no carbs allowed. I'm guessing that I consumed at the most 700 calories a day. I went to eating fast food three times/day every day to drastically reducing my calorie intake so it's no wonder the weight came off that quickly!

I got down to 180 lbs and it felt great having people complimenting me every second of every day... Since I had reached my goal weight, I felt comfortable enough to reincorporate the same foods that had made me heavy. I thought I had the whole concept of 'moderation and willpower' figured out. In a blink of an eye, I had gained the weight back. Eight years later, I found myself weighing 235 lbs. Yikes!

I'm now 25, realizing how much the extra weight has robbed me from things, especially from dating. With knowing what I know now about health and fitness, diets don't work! The minute you go back to your old ways, the weight will come back and more. When I look back at it, I can believe how stupid I was. Actually, I was young, naive and uninformed. I've lost 38 pounds (went from 235 to 197) and I've got 47 more pounds to go!" – ShrinkingDiva

1 comment:

Sylvia said...

Hey ... that's me! Yup, training never ends. I've been keeping it up, I'm 5 lbs away from my ideal weight but my body's still not where I want it to be. Signing up for certification courses and sky's the limit!

Just thought I'd pop and say hi!

Take care!