Sunday, January 11, 2009


When I think of homeostasis, I think of balance, or rather, constant maintenance. The technical definition is the ability or tendency of an organism or cell to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its physiological processes. Of course, I'm going to relate this to health and weight management (notice I didn't say weight loss).

Bigger than weight loss, the issue that relates to homeostasis is weight management. After all, isn't that how we get to the point of needing to lose weight? It's the failed attempt at maintaining homeostasis in our life. Wherever we look, most of the time weight adds on we're least present with ourselves and more occupied with some other aspect of our life. It doesn't seem to come full surface until we see a picture of ourself or realize none of our clothes fit anymore. Comparing homeostasis with weight management seems almost identical to me. We constantly need to check in with ourselves about how we are living. Our body does so much for us, the least we could do is vow to pay attention to it regularly.

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