Thursday, November 6, 2008

S is for Sacrifice

Every avenue in life requires sacrifice.

I sacrifice time and money to go to school in order to get an education.
I sacrifice time with my family to go to work everyday.
I sacrifice money in order to buy new clothes.

There always has to be sacrifice in the equation in order to get what we want. I've never gotten anything in life that I wanted any other way.

The same principle applies to losing weight. I wish I could say it wasn't a sacrifice because I really don't believe it 100% is, however at first it may seem that way. Do you feel yourself drawn in two different directions?

I want my diet coke but I want to lose 20 pounds.
I want to eat the foods I've always eaten but I really want to lose 20 pounds.
I don't want to put much time into exercising because I don't like it but I do want to lose 20 pounds.

Do any of those comments sound familiar? I'm not trying to be cruel, rather just pointing out a mentality that could be occuring within your brain.

Realize and embrace that weight loss doesn't happen without some sort of sacrifice. Eating better and creating time for regular, consistent exercise requires sacrifice of time and energy.

Just think about it. What can you sacrifice in order to get where you want to be? Is sacrificing the diet coke worth 20 pounds?

Change doesn't just happen, you have to make it happen!

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