Last week I was watching Dr. Oz and somehow this very basic concept clicked for me. Only YOU can change your life. You are the one in control of everything. Thus the name of his best selling books...ah-ha!
Say you join a gym, hire a trainer (a good one at that), buy a new healthy cook book, and begin to plan your weekly workouts. Implementation is the key here, nothing changes unless YOU do it. The great trainer, the healthy cook book and the plans don't go far without follow through.
It's very easy to put the blame on someone or something else (why make excuses post). We all do it-why?
When I was pregnant and gained 50 pounds, no one shoved the late night snacks into my mouth. I wasn't tied up and forced to intake more calories throughout the day than my doctor suggested. I ate all the extra food and gained the weight all by myself:)
After I had my precious baby Jax, no one was to blame except me for the extra baby weight hanging around. It was all Mandy, and it was the consequence of my choices from the previous months. I just had way too many "eating parties." I would hold the paties most everyday for myself. (note to self: eating parties should be a post in the near future)
So the point here is we are all in control of our lives. Take over YOURS! Stop blaming everyone but you. However, at the same time realize what's going on and make the necessary changes. Be mindful.
I work (and will always) at brainstorming ways to get people motivated to stick with exercise and accomplish their goals of living healthy. To be honest, I probably take it to heart more than my client if I see them give up. It's really silly but I think almost each and every day I'm with my clients I see something in them that they might not see. Most every week I prove someone wrong...and I take great pleasure in that! It goes like this:
Me: "Now I want you to do this" (I show them the exercise.)
Client: "Uh, what? You want me to do that? I don't think so."
Me: "Yes, you're going to do it but I think it's cute you think you're going to get out of this exercise. Now try it."
Client: (Client tries the exercise)....and Succeeds!!!
Me: "See, I knew you could do it...told you so!!!"
Cheesy example, I know, but this literally happens on a bi-weekly basis. Why does this happen? I think it starts with FEAR (false reality appearing real). The false reality being the ability for my client to do a certain exercise. It appears real because when I demonstrate the exercise it might look tricky. Then my client might possibly begin negative self talk. However even if they try and get close but fall's okay to fail! We've all failed at one time or another in life and that failing will bring us one step closer to victory. Failing at something always teaches us something (if we are willing to listen). Failing lets us know that way doesn't work so try another or keep at it because with continued practice you'll get it! I think we have to be willing to try even if failing is an option.
Wow that was hard for is human nature-I HATE failing. I'll always have to work at this concept.
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