People with a dysfunctional Leptin output, are constantly hungry and even go after bland food, anything edible.
This natural regulating substance, Leptin, is your primary appetite and food desire controlling hormone, is abated by several synthetic substances, best known, (but just one of several) HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP.
High Fructose Corn Syrup In Everything
You eat 88 pounds a year as an average American. Happens only in US because of corn subsidy to farmers ($2 a bushel) makes corn so cheap they chemically process (ferment it etc) and make this man made substance that is sweeter then sugar.
This is just a summary of the badness of HFCS. Here's a great link to explain everything you need to know about this horrible ingredient that's taking over grocery store shelves if you want to learn more.
I would encourage you to take the challenge-give it up and feel the difference. Start looking at food labels. Put the item back if it lists HFCS as an ingredient. Such a small change will make all the difference.
Personally, it's one of the reasons I blame on my addiction to swiss cake rolls:)
Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan is a *great* book that talks about how corn subsidies are changing what ends up on our tables - and to the detriment of both the small farmer and the consumer.
That is great to know about Leptin - I had no idea HCFS has that effect.
It is really hard to find some items without it. Triscuits are on the list of those without!!
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