Thursday, August 7, 2008

Preserve your Body

One of the reasons I love Dr. Oz is because he works to help educate and motivate us to "preserve our bodies." Think about it, most doctors help us after our bodies have failed. We go to them to help us when we're sick or in pain. Then get a pill or some easy fix to stop the symptoms. Hmmmm...What's wrong with this picture? Of course I understand that we're all going to have ailments that we have no control over, that's different, I'm not talking about those situations.

It's called preventative health. When I was working through my graduate studies, I spent a year observing, researching and surveying women on why they exercise. What are their intrinsic motivations to exercise? I looked at women of different age groups; under forty and over forty. I found that women in both categories (with great thanks to the media) exercise first and foremost to look better. The interesting piece of my research was that a major reason women over forty also exercised is to better their health. Women under forty weren't nearly as concerned with this aspect but rather, exercise offered health as an "added benefit."

Here's some things you can do to better preserve your body:

1. Enjoy the Sun to get Vitamin D (around 15 minutes a couple times per week)
2. Avoid Trans Fats
3. Eat Whole Grains
4. Nourish your body with fresh foods
5. Move your body by doing something you enjoy

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