Earlier this week I did some research for some long-time clients that want to get serious about what they put into their bodies. I wanted to share my findings as I think we could all benefit from the information. There's a lot here so I have bolded what I feel is most important.
Anything with Trans Fat is HORRIBLE for you. Unfortunately, most all foods that have trans fats are fried foods-like french fries!!
This would be my "stay away from" or eat "sparingly" food suggestions list.
Moreover, here's a list of both good and bad foods to eat. Naturally, the fresher foods you eat-the better they are for you.
Avoid foods that have high fructose corn syrup as an ingredient listed first or second or third. Also avoid "zero calorie" sweeteners such as aspartame. These have been shown to actually increase hunger and thus increase weight gain versus what the ads state as "healthy."
So in general, I'm always looking at labels. I put the product back if I see:
1. Aspartame-a new study just came out where it increases the likelihood of tumors-both cancerous and benign.
2. High Fructose Corn Syrup
3. Trans Fats or Hydrogenated-here's the definition: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans_fat
If I want to get REAL picky I would also suggest ridding your diet of gluten. Gluten is in most products such as bread and soups-basically anything that's been a gravy like texture. Basically, I just don't feel like it's very healthy and have heard amazing things when people take it out of their diet. Here's more on gluten:
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