I am SO thrilled that my trainer friend, Mendy, reminded me in the comment section of the last post about my swiss cake addiction! Maybe when I was writing that last post I didn't want to incriminate myself too much?! However, the other day I told Mendy that I was going to write my "Only Human" post, except in the version I told her I mentioned swiss cake rolls. Ah....one of my biggest weaknesses!
Basically, the other day before my run I also had a swiss cake roll-for energy, right?! Okay, not really. I LOVE swiss cake rolls...my husband was so nice to buy a box for me. However, anytime I get swiss cake rolls I normally polish the whole box off in less than 24 hours. There are 6-270 calorie servings in a box. I noramlly eat 4 servings in a day. Then feel so guilty the next day and want to just get rid of them, that I finish the last 2...done! Thus my illustration of weakness.
How do I fight this? Well, I have found I just can't buy them anymore. I have no self control (or maybe its all the high fructose corn syrup that's in them) so I just can't have them in my house. I have found that to be true in many other cirumstances and I have to admit it's a 2 for 1 deal: we stay fatter in our wallet and thinner in our body. There is only 1 thing that is difficult-the grocery store trip. As long as I can get myself out Target supercenter without swiss cake rolls in my cart, I consider it a success.
There you have it folks, personal trainers are human too!
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