Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Interesting article on the Epidemic

I just came across this article on
Weighty Matters: Public Health Aspects of the Obesity Epidemic
Part I -- Causes and Health and Economic Consequences of Obesity

I would encourage you to read through it, it's not too lengthy but I will highlight some interesting facts that caught my eye in case you don't have enough time.

The average height/weight for American men and women today are, respectively, 5'9"/191 lbs and 5'4"/164 lbs. Overweight is classified as a body mass index(BMI) greater than 25.0 and obesity as greater than 30.0. In 2005, 60.5% of US adults were overweight and 23.9% were obese. The prevalence of obesity is nearly identical in men and women and ranges from 18% among adults aged 18 to 29 years to 30% among adults aged 50 to 59 years.

*Click here to figure your BMI.

A child with 1 overweight parent has a 40% chance of being overweight; with 2 overweight parents, it's 80%.

I hope you too can gain insight from this informative article!

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