Thursday, December 13, 2007

Sleep = Health

We all value a good night sleep, but did you know that getting enough Z's can actually decrease your risk for cardiovascular disease and add years to your life? This morning Michael F. Roizen, MD, and Mehmet C. Oz, MD were on "Good Morning America" to discuss the importance of getting enough sleep. They said women need 7 hours of sleep while men should get 7.5 hours per night. Also, if you don't get enough deep sleep, your body loses the ability to make growth hormone, so it can't regenerate itself-to be able to fight off aging-related damage. Click here to read more on sleep.

One tip that's given for people who struggle with getting to sleep is at night, eat foods that contain melatonin -- a substance that helps regulate the body clock. That means oats, sweet corn, or rice. Or try a complex carbohydrate that has serotonin, like vegetables or whole-grain pasta. You can also go with the classic remedy: skim milk. Of course, you know to avoid stimulants like caffeine and exercise near bedtime. And try to avoid eating within 3 hours of going to bed.

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