Monday, December 20, 2010

Motivation Monday: It's Just Food

It's interesting to me how much importance we put around food through the holidays.  Our life is centered around food.  I don't know how many times I've heard, "after the first of the year I'm going to get started on...." whatever their next plan of action might be.  Sure it may seem harsh to criticize this statement.  After all, maybe they are just being realistic?  Isn't that what everyone does.  After all Christmas just wouldn't be the same without eating ___. 

I read a quote from Wynonna Judd after losing 60 pounds in US Weekly this morning that got me thinking.  She said something to the effect of "once I realized it's just food."  Isn't that the ticket?  Can't we be in denial about how food controls us to the max and that's why the weight isn't coming off?  Sure, we want  to lose the weight but aren't willing to give up x, y, and z.  Seriously, listen to your thought process and even the words that come out of your mouth.  Once we start noticing and realizing how we think through our rationalizations then we can begin to fix it.

I think it's damage control.  Once we figure out the right symphony of food and exercise that will keep us sane and on a healthy path everything fits together nicely.  It just requires more work than passively walking through life. 

Then since I'm rambling I think the other issue is all or nothing.  Instead of striving for a "balanced" symphony of food and exercise we think it needs to be an extreme.  Either we're totally on board or we're totally off board and that the in between doesn't matter.  Well the in between is where we need to live.  It's where I live.  It's the only way I would know how to survive.  I strive to be healthy, I strive to exercise regularly.  I don't beat myself up if I over do it with eating at a meal or skip a workout.  Those little things aren't what will make me unhealthy or overweight.  It's the small things I do every day.

So maybe if we try not to make such a big deal about the food and keep it in our heads that, "it's just food" life would be easier over the next few weeks?  It's worth a shot.  Change your mind frame.

1 comment:

kristine said...

great post. you're right. i hope i can remember this more. i've been better about being attainable and not feeling guilty. but i need to do more of the better choices so i don't get too comfortable. i forwarded this post to a gf who JUST did a post about her remaining days of 2010 and what her food/weight loss goals were going to be. the timing of this post was perfect.