I was talking with a friend on the phone the other day and she was so uplifting and positive. She said, "you are so close" but then I followed that up with, "but so far away." Currently sitting at 32 weeks pregnant, these last 6, 7, 8, or 9 weeks will definitely be the most trying. Although I must admit for being 8 months pregnant I really feel wonderful all things considered. The little experiment I'm doing with myself this time around has been a tremendous success and a completely different experience than my pregnancy with Jax almost 4 years ago. I attribute it all to the focus of staying on a very active exercise plan.
The 3 benefits of exercising during pregnancy I've noticed this go around:
1. Energy level . I still have a lot of it although I know that may change in the next month.
2. My emotional state . I'm not nearly as up and down as I was with Jax. It's sad but true that during my pregnancy with Jax I was all over the place, crying, angry or very irritable most every day. I think this time I feel much more like myself.
3. Body aches are minimal. My back does not hurt! I could barely sit through a movie at this point with Jax in the theater. The heat pad was my friend (on a low setting) every single day. Oh my back hurt all the time! This time around is much much better.
Granted, the pregnancy is (what seems like) far from over so things could change but for now there has been a very noticeable difference.
I realize I'm a positive person but I'm not going to lie and sugar coat it all. There are definitely some challenges that I've been facing recently....like incredible HUNGER!!! So the sweet-a-week plan isn't going so hot. Rather, the sweet-a-day plan has taken affect and is ruling over my life once again. We'll blame this on hormones. To be honest, my goal of sweets wasn't really going so well even before this pregnancy. However, I'm going to push through and give it my best shot. I'm going to give myself grace but not an excuse to eat sweets all the time. It will be a grey area for awhile. I think a good compromise is still recording the sweets I eat and not totally giving up on the goal but letting it take it's course. That way I still have some direction and am not throwing in the towel completely.
As mentioned before the exercise is going well. While I'm not running the 12 miles per week that I was when the pregnancy started, I adapted the plan to walking 12 miles. A mile is a mile is a mile. It takes more time and believe me I think to myself often that I should just give up and give myself a rest. Although I'm not going to quit just yet. I have some weeks left in me. Walking that mileage each week feels good physically and mentally. Along with walking I've been able to make it to at least one yoga class per week. It's not the typical "flow" class I used to attend but it's a calming, relaxing and yet a mentally challenging class that I believe is really helping prepare me for a natural childbirth. If I can make it through holding these poses why couldn't I make it through a few hours of contractions, right? We'll see. And last but certainly not least, the strength training. When the pregnancy began I was diligent in 2 times per week but lately have increased it to 3-4 days of strength. Strength training is a feel-good for me. I love strength training because I notice a difference in my body but yet it isn't nearly as heart-pounding as running 6 miles.
I appreciate this forum to write what I'm feeling but I also appreciate it because I can give a current testament of where I'm at and where I'm going. In a nutshell, the plan is to keep up with the mileage, the strength training and yoga-adding more prenatal yoga in the last month. It's a trek to the classes but well worth it and something I can handle because it's temporary.
So for now I'll focus one day at a time...no more as that seems very overwhelming.
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