Saturday, November 27, 2010

Great Way to Get It

According to the latest reports, adults and children are not getting enough fruits and veggies per day.  My suggestion, start the day with a smoothie as it's an easy way to get many servings of both.  My 3 1/2 year old loves the taste and will drink one himself or share mine.  Here's what we do:
4 oz OJ
4 oz Water or a variety of Milk-almond, 2%, soy
1/2 C frozen raspberries
1 banana
2 scoops of french vanilla meal replacement shake mix or your favorite whey protein
1/2 C blueberries (fresh or frozen)
handful of fresh spinach leaves

You can take away or add whatever you like, sometimes we make it with strawberries or other mixed berries or you can also add flax seed meal or omega-3 oil from a capsule.  Get creative, it's any easy way to get 4 servings of fruit and 1 or 2 servings of veggies.

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