Monday, November 22, 2010

Motivation Monday: One Foot in Front of the Other

Things that seem hard are not always that hard. Put one foot in front of the other, and you’ll get to the end. Author Unknown

Do you ever find that some days it's just hard to get moving?  There are days where we just don't care.  I know, I have them too.  I think it's a process to weed out the days of a not caring attitude while slowly taking control.  These winter months of cold, grey and vitamin-D-less days are difficult.  We may find ourselves only wanting to bake cookies, cuddle by the fire wrapped in a warm blanket as the days are so short and darkness surrounds our mornings and evenings. 

My encouragement is putting one foot in front of the other.  Simply taking steps in the direction of health by eating a good breakfast, food journaling and making exercise a priority each week are little things we can do to stay moving in the right direction.  Sure, you may not be doing as much as you were when the months had more warm sunshine but something is better than nothing. 

And you know my philosophy on all things small add up.  Never underestimate the power of small things because ultimately the sum of all the good little things will make us healthier or the sum of all the bad little things will make us unhealthy.  Start small and know that this is a race that you only have to finish, you don't have to win.  After all, the winners are the ones with the steady pace, not the fastest pace.  As the fastest pace never makes it to the finish line because they are too exhausted to finish.

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