Friday, May 29, 2009


It's that great time of the year again. Summer vacation! It means kids are at home, maybe you've planned a relaxing getaway and probably lots of bar-b-q's are just around the corner. I often remind myself that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result. Stay away from insanity, instead try doing something different. I promise by trying something different with a spirit of adventure, you'll reach outside your comfort zone and learn something! I know I did last weekend.

My small family; husband, son and I went on a little vacation for ourselves. Every time I've gone out of town I stop the food journal or even worse, I just eat plain terrible. Before we set out on our adventure I promised myself, no matter how bad my eating was, I would record each and every bite...even if I didn't want to. It was an experiment for myself to see how bad I actually do eat on vacation. The results came can see for yourself on eatwithmandy (but I beg you not too!) as it was all horrible. I didn't get too down on myself for eating french fries, some cheeseburgers (I'm working on becoming a vegetarian/flexatarian) or flopping my sweet-a-week plan by eating, well let's just say more than one sweet. Insead I was very happy I wrote it all down and posted it to the world. It's a step in the right direction.

My plea, make SMALL changes you can live with. Even though my vacation eating was HORRIBLE, I counted every calorie and didn't throw my journal out the window. It was something I could manage but still feel like I was on "vacation." Maybe your SMALL change is different, whatever it is focus on the tiny thing you can live with changing and build from there. That's my plan as perfection doesn't happen over night.

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