Monday, May 4, 2009

Slow Cooker!

This weekend I was able to attend Dave Live. I love listening to Dave on the radio during the day or on TV at night because he gives really practical advice on finances. He's motivational and uses a lot of common sense. I also like listening because he gives me ideas on money that I can use for fitness!

Dave has a proven plan. Meaning between five and ten million people across North America have and are using his plan to build wealth and get out of debt. The word proven sticks out to me because his plan isn't a theory that might work for certain people. It's something that works for everybody.

The same is true in the fitness and weight loss world. A proven plan that works is keeping a food journal. Last month I had women food journal to me each day. The women that were diligent in emailing me daily along with coming to sessions with me each week lost weight. The average weight loss was anywhere from 3-6 pounds last month. This average is the slow cooker part of my fitness theory. Notice 3-6 pounds isn't a flashy, crazy, unrealistic number for one month of weight loss. It's something that everybody could do if they just put their mind to doing it. Where 3-6 pounds per month that isn't snazzy number can easily turn into anywhere from 36-72 pounds in one year! Now that's snazzy!

Changing behavior is a process and as a matter of fact, engaging in change is one of the hardest things a human will do throughout life. We are creatures of habit and feel comfort in our daily habitual routines. Changing too many areas of our life all at once (the microwave approach to fitness) can lead to:
1) a lot of stress
2) unrealistic expectations
3)inadequate follow-through
which all ultimately concludes as reverting back to old behaviors.

Make small changes. Tiny, microscopical things that don't even seem like change. Then build upon that. Who knows, before you know it you very well could turn into a skinny millionaire!

1 comment:

kristine said...

i think YOU'RE the skinny millionaire!!! thanks for the motivation. i love seeing how this is all connected!