Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Hump

Beginning. Middle. End.

The easiest part of starting something new is the beginning and end. In the beginning everything is exciting and new. It's different than normal which adds a new twist to life. The end is also pretty fun because there's triumph in sight as the finish line is within view. Although in my opinion, the middle is where true victory is had-where the champions truly reside.

I see it almost weekly. I meet a new client, run into an old friend at the grocery store or am approached by someone in the gym. Their eyes are filled with excitement and the dream of losing weight and getting healthier. 99% of the time I am holding my new-found exerciser back from spending 7 days a week in the gym. They are filled with joy as their new, improved future vision of themselves is looking up. I love this stage!

However quickly frustration sets in. They did not lose the 20 pounds they wanted to by the end of month one. Slowly but surely the diet and exercise fades. It's no longer very exciting but more of a burden and slowly their dreams of health die away and are declared impossible. The aspirations they once had are gone. I hate this stage!

What I call, the "middle" is the hump, the Wednesday, the stagnat area where all you can do is tread long enough to stay afloat. At least that's what it typically feels like. It's not fun, it's work. There's not much enjoyment because the new has worn away and the end is nowhere to be seen.

Are you sitting on a hump right now? Have you been on a hump in the past and gotten over? If so leave a comment and how you've gotten over it or how you are getting through it.

More on the hump later....


Kathy said...

Mandy this is really good post. It has made me think about where I am in my journey. I am grateful for all your support and for the knowledge you have gained. I love that you are willing to share your knowledge to help others on their wellness journey. Your guidance is really helping me to reach my goals. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

This is so great to focus head-on on a very difficult time of anything we are trying to accomplish, especially if it is something new. Things like weight-loss or getting organized do not happen overnight, so there is always that tough part that makes you question what in the world you are doing, because it's just not fun anymore. This is exactly where I am at right now, and I just have to focus on what are my choices here. I can give up because it's hard and not fun, but that leaves me overweight, unable to completely enjoy my children and my life, and unhappy with my appearance and health. It's not a great choice, so I just keep going and try to get refocused when I get off track. Thanks for this insight, Mandy! You rock!