Monday, January 25, 2010

Motivation Monday: Why?

Can you list off the top of your head 10 reasons why you exercise or desire to live a healthy life? Always remembering why we do what we do can help keep us on the road when we're not as motivated during the tough times. As it turns out, we're nearing February. A month when "resolutions" die off. Don't let this happen to you; instead write down your reasons. I did....and now I'm sharing.

1. Feel empowered by becoming a stronger and healthier individual each year.
2. To keep my body fat down so that Metabolic Syndrome, Cardiovascular Disease, or Diabetes doesn't happen.
3. To live a long life with my son and husband.
4. There are so many things I want to do or visit, I can't afford to let my body waste away. I thrive off adventure and need to be in shape for when opportunity knocks.
5. To be healthy enough in order to serve others.
6. I'm curious about how far I can push myself, mentally and physically.
7. It's fun. The accomplished feeling after it's over and the practice of keeping control during.
8. Vanity.
9. To have a great quality of life way down the road.
10. Because my mind, body, soul and spirit need it. I take so much more than just physical benefits away from exercise. It's so emotional and mental.

My suggestion...
Write down yours. I was so excited, uplifted and motivated just by brainstorming these 10 reasons. Especially #4. I did some day dreaming on some of my recent adventures and how they left me feeling so alive. Alive checks are a necessity.

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