Monday, January 18, 2010

Book 2: Food Rules

Not sure if there will be a theme of fast, easy reads for 2010 but it's beginning that way. Food Rules was in fact filled with food rules. It's designed to be a simple eating guide. It was divided into 3 parts: 1)what should I eat? 2)what kind of food should I eat? 3) how should I eat?

Out of those three sections it was suggested by the author, Michael Pollen, to adopt at least one rule from each of the three sections. Here's what I picked:
1) Avoid food products containing ingredients that a third-grader cannot pronounce. The concept is simple. Cut out processed foods. He said this in many different ways and each verbiage was really cute. One of my favorites was "if it came from a plant, eat it. If it was made in a plant, don't."
2) Eat mostly plants, especially leaves. I love spinach, arugula and baby greens so this shouldn't be too hard. While I was away last week on a mini-vacation (mini because it was only 4 days and not anywhere tropical) I had an exceptional salad. So good, it was picture worthy. Tomatoes, arugula, mozzarella and basil. Rule two-enjoyably easy!

3) Stop eating when you are full. I'm really going to work on this. I know it's common sense but sometimes I eat so fast I don't even take time to enjoy my food, let alone check-in to decide if I'm actually satisfied enough to stop. This has worked very well lately because I can easily envision the horrendous uncomfortableness that comes from overeating.

Highly reccomend this book to anyone!

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