Wednesday, August 19, 2009

No More Numbers

I really don’t like the idea of setting a goal as a number on the scale. The number is something we can’t control. The number of pounds we lose is DIRECTLY related with the amount, intensity, and consistency of effort we pour into our daily routine. So instead of saying “40 pounds by December 31st” set a goal in relation to action. Such as, "I'll food journal consistently 6 days out each week and I'll exercise intensly 4 hours per week." Set this goal for a month, then re-evaluate at the end of the month. Tweak your goals if needed for the next month and continue this pattern for the rest of this year.

We HAVE control over our own behaviors, we don’t have control over the number on the scale. We always try to control that number on the dumb scale when DIRECTLY we can’t do it. So instead of setting unrealistic expectations, look at the person staring at you in the mirror and change that person. Start to DIRECTLY affect the outcome by focusing on behavior.

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