Tuesday, July 14, 2009


2 Horrible Words: Instant Gratification (IG)

They only set us up for disappointment thus a cycle continues. The crazy cycle.

Why do we absolutely need IG in order to feel like we can go on? It's everywhere...is that why? I think media and tabloid brainwashing might play a vital role.

Things to ponder:
1. Why do we have to lose a ton of weight in a short amount of time in order to continue?
2. Did 10 pounds come on in 2 weeks?
3. Why is eating ourselves stupid the right response when things aren't going exactly perfect.
4. How can we stay encouraged over a long period of time?
5. How can we change our minds from all or nothing to little bits along the way?

Possible Solutions:
1. What one teensy weensy area of our lives aren't working? Find one thing and work diligently to tweak it until it's better.
2. Stop doing what's not working and start doing something else.
3. Focus on things we can control such as our reation to stress, daily choices and positive or negative self talk.
4. Face things that are difficult. One of the scariest and best things I've ever done in my health journey thus far is food journaling on bad days. I visually see that I took in a ridiculous amount of food that my body didn't need. That was the first step in solving my portion control issue. Seeing it in black and white.
5. Don't change the world in one day. Rather, each day make small changes that are manageable for the long-haul. Over time the small changes will add up to one big huge hairy wonderful change.

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