Thursday, April 3, 2008

80 Percent

Behavior is 80%-only 20% is what you know! The choices we make on a daily basis ultimately decide how we look and feel. I can't stress this enough when I get a new client. There sometimes is a perception that hiring a personal trainer will make a person thin. Not true-all of the people I have worked with that have lost weight or accomplished the goal they set for themselves did it ALL on their own. I am their biggest cheerleader, supporter, motivator and coach. However, I am not with them 99% of the time. Thus, your destiny is your own.

Some choices you can make for yourself throughout the week that can help with weight-loss and leading a healthier life:

1) Create some micro-goals.
2) Look at food labels.

Let's look at these a bit closer.

1) Micro Goals- Here's an example:
Walk/Run 12 miles per week
Avoid eating after 7pm 5 times in a week
Participate 2-30 minute strength sessions per week
Stretch 3 times per week, holding each stretch for at least 30 seconds
Learning how to create proper goals will enable you to reach your goal without giving up. Here's 2 key ingredients:
a) Be specific
b) Be realistic
c) Create accountability
If your goals are vague you will be more likely to give up. Putting too much on your plate will also encourage defeat. Know yourself and what you are capable of while making your goals. I have a spreadsheet of 52 weeks with my micro goals on the side. Each week I have to check off what I did or failed to do the previous week. It gives me some sense of accountability to myself. Another great idea is form an accountability group. It's a group where you are accountable to 3 or 4 people of the same sex. It can go beyond fitness into other realms of your life.

2)Food Labels
I had an eye-opening experience earlier this week. I teach a course at a local college. There were about thirty 20 year olds that barely knew anything about basic nutrition. I love these kids-they are great! I love being able to teach them about health and the possibility of preventing obesity later in life. Many of the students were not aware of something called high fructose corn syrup.I gave them the same assignment I'm giving you....look at all food labels and avoid buying anything with that listed as an ingredient. It's something small but you will be surprised how certain "healthy" products have this as a primary ingredient.

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