Sunday, April 27, 2008

Trolley Run 2008

Another Run bites the dust! We completed the 4 mile Trolley Run this morning. I wish I could say I enjoyed it but I struggled through the whole 4 miles. Maybe next year will be better and my IT band healed. On a more positive note: Brenda had her best 4 mile time ever-way to go Brenda! Formerly a highly competitive swimmer, Kasie completed her first official running race-she did great! Sharon did great even though her rheumatoid arthritis has been flaring up-she's so strong! Johnna participated in the run as well even though she's been struggling through a chest cold-I am so proud of you. Great job ladies! I know it was rainy and cool while we could have made a million excuses to sleep in you all showed up. I love it!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

It's Time

To put on your walking shoes!!

What: Kickoff Walk or Run for KC and SF Marathon Teams
When: May 3rd
Time: 8:30am
Where: Canterbury Park (meet at Gazebo)
Who: People interested in training for the KC or SF 1/2 or full marathons OR if you are just interested in walking with a fun group.

I hope to see you there-email me if you have questions!

*Note SF Team needs to be there at 7:30am for an informational meeting with me!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Active Weekend

As a trainer, I find myself making time for my clients exercise but sadly slack on my own. Balancing classes and clients, being a mom and wife, housekeeper to my own home and making time for fun leaves little room for my own exercise program. This weekend was great though. Saturday morning I joined my trainer friend Mendy for a 6 mile run then helped out with a 3 mile walk/run after that. Sunday my hubby and I worked on keeping our yard and landscaping up-to-par with what we called our "spring touch-ups" since the weather finally cooperated with us. Also on Sunday I was able to go on my first bike ride of the season with Yvonne as we begin our preparations for the 100 mile JDRF bike ride later this summer. It was awesome! We did 7 miles and I must add it was a great workout. This is my first attempt at biking and I can honestly say it's everything and more than I originally thought. I have 2 bad knees so I know running will only last me so long. This is a great outlet into cross-training as we prepare for the marathon in late October.

Yes I'm exhausted but it was great to finally be able to get 6 days of exercising in this week. Although the big difference I noticed was my workouts with other people. I am kind of a loner in the fact that I've mostly always exercised by myself. Saturday and Sunday were so great because there were others there along with me. I think this is key-it was so much more fun. Maybe my loner days are over!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Dream Big

The Biggest Loser Season 5 came to a close. Contestant Ali Vincent was the shows first female winner last night. She went from 234 pounds to 122 pounds. She said, "I dreamed big." I wish we all had that mind frame. Check out the article and video clip by clicking here.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Another Cardio Session with Abs

I haven't posted one in awhile, here's a very simple cardio workout if your current routine is getting old. You can make this as hard or as easy as you want just by pushing yourself.

5 minute warm up
5 minutes at a moderate pace
2 minutes pushing yourself (go fast and hard)
5 minutes at a moderate pace
2 minutes pushing yourself (go fast and hard)
1 minute recovery

15 Heel Toe Crunches

1 minute Jumping Jacks (or low impact side step option)
1 minute Jump Rope (or pretend)
1 minute Jumping Jacks (or low impact side step option)
1 minute Jump Rope (or pretend)

20 Bicycle Crunches


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

If you're into Running

My trainer friend, Mendy, which I seem to always write about has a group of gals that get up in the wee early morning hours every Saturday to complete a run. If you are interested in getting more into running, check it out. I have the link below...

Northland Women's Running Club

Monday, April 7, 2008

I can't help it!

A handful of my clients are doing a very awesome job of inching their way towards their "big mama" goals by using their weekly micro goals as baby stepping stones. Here's my brag list. Note: most have only been working towards this just a couple to a handful of weeks.

Ginger: 5.4 pounds
Kathy: 16 pounds
Vikki: 3 pounds
Sandy: 3 pounds
Johnna: 17 pounds
Pam: 5 pounds

I am sure some of you will let me know if I mistakenly left you off this list:)

Keep up the good work-we're only at the beginning of the greatness that's to come...especially with all the hard work so many of you are putting forth.

2008 Events Update

1/4 of the way through the year and here's what's happened so far:
January 27th: Groundhog Run
February 23rd: February Freeze
March 22nd: Snake Race

Take part in the action, I've added a couple more races to the 2008 calendar list:
May 28th: Run to Daylight
This has an 8K option, maybe something to think about marathon-in-training people.

August 10th: Race for the Cure
I won't be there but it's for a good cause and I would highly encourage participation.

Lastly, I would like my trainer friend, Mendy, is putting together a team for the 3 mile "Walk for the Homeless" on May 17th at 9 a.m. in downtown Liberty. You need to click on Walk for the Homeless, sign up, and make sure you select Mendy's Team.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Training begins soon!

It's official, we are going to San Fran for the Nike Women's marathon (or half)! We made the lottery along with 20,000 others. The race is set for October 19th, 2008 while ironically the Kansas City marathon (or half) is scheduled for October 18th, 2008. There is a handful of you out there that are interested in training for the Kansas City race. I would encourage you to do so! We have quite a few people that will be walking a half marathon either in KC or SF so know that there is no pressure of turning anyone into a runner.

I mention this because if you are interested in the KC half marathon I would invite you to train with our group over the summer and into the fall months. I anticipate this to be a very fun time with lots of socialization. Your assignment if you so choose to begin training with us is to work on increasing your weekly mileage average on your own. This is what I would like:

*If you are a beginner, start slowly at around 6 miles per week. That is mileage that is broken up over a period of 7 days.
*Start where you are and slowly increase your weekly mileage. Slowly increasing will reduce your chances of aquiring shin splints. Good shoes also help this! Our goal is 15 miles per week ultimately.

April is CRAZY for me so I am looking to begin our "official training" sometime in May.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

80 Percent

Behavior is 80%-only 20% is what you know! The choices we make on a daily basis ultimately decide how we look and feel. I can't stress this enough when I get a new client. There sometimes is a perception that hiring a personal trainer will make a person thin. Not true-all of the people I have worked with that have lost weight or accomplished the goal they set for themselves did it ALL on their own. I am their biggest cheerleader, supporter, motivator and coach. However, I am not with them 99% of the time. Thus, your destiny is your own.

Some choices you can make for yourself throughout the week that can help with weight-loss and leading a healthier life:

1) Create some micro-goals.
2) Look at food labels.

Let's look at these a bit closer.

1) Micro Goals- Here's an example:
Walk/Run 12 miles per week
Avoid eating after 7pm 5 times in a week
Participate 2-30 minute strength sessions per week
Stretch 3 times per week, holding each stretch for at least 30 seconds
Learning how to create proper goals will enable you to reach your goal without giving up. Here's 2 key ingredients:
a) Be specific
b) Be realistic
c) Create accountability
If your goals are vague you will be more likely to give up. Putting too much on your plate will also encourage defeat. Know yourself and what you are capable of while making your goals. I have a spreadsheet of 52 weeks with my micro goals on the side. Each week I have to check off what I did or failed to do the previous week. It gives me some sense of accountability to myself. Another great idea is form an accountability group. It's a group where you are accountable to 3 or 4 people of the same sex. It can go beyond fitness into other realms of your life.

2)Food Labels
I had an eye-opening experience earlier this week. I teach a course at a local college. There were about thirty 20 year olds that barely knew anything about basic nutrition. I love these kids-they are great! I love being able to teach them about health and the possibility of preventing obesity later in life. Many of the students were not aware of something called high fructose corn syrup.I gave them the same assignment I'm giving you....look at all food labels and avoid buying anything with that listed as an ingredient. It's something small but you will be surprised how certain "healthy" products have this as a primary ingredient.