Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Body Weight Workout

Last week I couldn't take it anymore.  The 4 year old was coloring in the kitchen and the new babe was sleeping in the bouncy seat.  They were both peaceful and didn't need me, which rarely seems to happen these days.  So I jumped at the chance, grabbed my ipod and right then and there began my body weight workout. No equipment needed, perfect for the busy mom that never has time to exercise. 
Curtsey Lunges-15R then 15L
On all fours, bent leg extensions-25R, then 25L
Hip lifts-25
Push ups-on knees-15
Side Lying Triceps push ups-10
Little roll up crunches-20
Side crunches-20
Dead bugs-20


G! said...

Love, love, love this - cranked up the music and did it this morning.

Is there a substitution that can be made for the side lying tricepts push ups?

Mandy said...

How about triangle push ups? These are push ups with your hands in the shape of a triangle. You can perform them on a wall, on a counter or on the floor (in a half position or on toes). I listed the options in easiest to hardest order.