Thursday, May 6, 2010

Book 5: Mere Christianity

C. S. Lewis is one of my favorite authors so undoubtedly I loved this book too.  I was literally blown away by this book as I was "reading" it in my car via CD from the library.  Lewis is so far above my reading level that I find I do best by listening to his books versus reading them (it's also great for multi-tasking).  The part that completely stuck out to me was his analogy of how humans were designed to work.  Men designed cars to run on gasoline while God created humans to run on Himself.  He is the fuel our spirits were designed to run on.  Wow, that was fascinating to me.  I think I do a great job of running to anything completely opposite of Him to fulfill my need for spiritual food.  Interesting, it never works.

One other great point (out of many) is his theory, “It is no good asking for a simple religion,” he says in one part. “After all, real things are not simple. . . . Reality, in fact, is usually something you could not have guessed. That is one of the reasons I believe Christianity. It is a religion you could not have guessed." 


Tina said...

I have read this book and I truly puts your spirit on the correct path! If only we can follow those directions!

Sharon Muir said...

This book sounds amazing! I will give it a try. Thanks for this spiritual message! God is using you, Mandy!