Monday, May 31, 2010

Motivation Monday: Are you stuck?

Do you feel like you're spinning your wheels?  That you're just not getting anywhere?  Here's 5 tips on beginning the process of becoming un-stuck:

1. Create a very REALISTIC short term goal.
2. Go to a class you haven't ever been to before but always wanted to try.
3. Pick up a good Book.  I suggest QBQ.
4. Meditate and/or Pray
5. Start a one sentence journal.

Really, I think becoming un-stuck stems from a mental state.  How badly do you want to move on?  Sometimes we think we're making it easy for ourselves by wallering in our misery versus making the big uncomfortable step of moving to the next thing in life.  But it's a move worth making.  Make the move! 

Friday, May 28, 2010

Book 7: Redeeming Love

I first have to start by saying this book has been on my shelf for at least 9 months.  For some reason I put many other books ahead of this one until last week when I mentioned to a friend it was on my "list" of books to read in 2010.  She immediately encouraged me to pick the book up and dive in as she knew it would be a quick read for me.  Now, all I can say is WOW.  The book is amazing.  I mean, I put it up there with the twilight series.  I finished this 450+ page book in less than 48 hours.  I just couldn't put the book down and from start to finish it had me hooked.  Not only was the story just phenomenal but the overall message couldn't have spoken any clearer. 

It's a historical romance novel set in the 1850's Gold Rush in California. The story is taken from the book of Hosea from the Bible.  The main theme is the redeeming love of God towards sinners.

I don't want to give too much plot information away as I'd highly, highly recommend this book.  Even if your skeptical or don't consider yourself a Christian it would be a great read.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Motivation Monday: What I've Learned

For once, not my thoughts.  These are from a client who successfully completed 15 days straight of food journaling.  Right, only 15 days.  Why not take it slow at first to build success?  I've found that linking a number of days to journaling makes it more successful because there's 1) an ending and 2) small days linking all 15 together for the bigger goal.  It makes it less likely that you will skip journaling for a day because then it would throw the whole program off yet 15 days isn't a huge overwhelming number.

The note is from day 11 of her food journaling process.  She went on to complete the full 15 days and yup, you guessed it!  She lost weight.  3 pounds to be exact.   I tell you, food journaling works every single time.  Written below is her response to my question of what she has been learning as she's been journaling.  I thought her answers insightful and motivational.

Hi Mandy,

So, I've been thinking about what you asked me yesterday and what I've learned from this "journaling" experience.

#1 and probably the most important is...I CAN do it. It WON'T kill me. And the world keeps spinning when I go over the calorie number I am hoping for.

#2 I think it makes me more conscious of eating. I am somehow accountable to myself.

#3. I feel successful in my eating, like it is under control and I can still eat a LOT of food and maintain my calorie count.

#4. I don't have to be hungry to eat properly.

#5. I can do ANYTHING for 15 days. :)

#6. It makes me excited to exercise and see the calories that I burn versus the calories I consume.

I have found that food is really important to me. I love it. I don't want to starve myself. I have learned that I am really emotionally attached to food. Some of that is bad, but some is okay. I like food. I enjoy it. When I feel like I have to "diet" I get really sad because I hate the thought of being hungry and eating only salad and grilled chicken. I haven't done that. I have eaten pizza and burgers sometimes. I've had ice cream. I know I can't do it all the time, but I have found that I am able to have these things once in a while.

I have found that I am making better choices.

I guess it's been an enlightening few weeks for me. This program I am using is really helpful for me. Journaling in the past has just been a big self shaming mechanism for me, and somehow this makes it really impersonal and just information for me to use.

Anyway....those are my thoughts for now. I have a lot more, but this is what I felt like talkin' about today. :) Today is day 11. I'll send it to ya when I'm done! Four more to go, and tomorrow is my own personal weigh in.

Have a great one!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Book 6 and Book Club

I've been reading Change your Brain Change your Body and absolutely love it so much that I'll be starting a book club/study over the information. Because the book is packed with great life-changing information we will cover it in three segments over three months to allow for new change every 30 days. The first meeting is at Pinnacle Physical Therapy on Monday, June 28 at 7pm. Please read to page 108 (thru chapter 4) and have completed the quiz (with your results) to our June 28th meeting. Email me at if you are planning to attend the book club/study. It should be a lot of fun and there is no cost to you but the book!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Motivation Monday: Self Loathing

Self loathing doesn't equal change.  Sometimes we think that if we loathe ourselves enough it will force us to change.  Not true.

Instead, look at yourself with different eyes.  A different perspective, a more positive loving perspective.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Summer Classes

See the summer class link to see what's available for summer training.  Classes will fill up quickly.  Email me with questions!!

Motivation Monday: Yesterday

Don't mess up every new day we get with yesterday.  Keep our eyes forward.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Book 5: Mere Christianity

C. S. Lewis is one of my favorite authors so undoubtedly I loved this book too.  I was literally blown away by this book as I was "reading" it in my car via CD from the library.  Lewis is so far above my reading level that I find I do best by listening to his books versus reading them (it's also great for multi-tasking).  The part that completely stuck out to me was his analogy of how humans were designed to work.  Men designed cars to run on gasoline while God created humans to run on Himself.  He is the fuel our spirits were designed to run on.  Wow, that was fascinating to me.  I think I do a great job of running to anything completely opposite of Him to fulfill my need for spiritual food.  Interesting, it never works.

One other great point (out of many) is his theory, “It is no good asking for a simple religion,” he says in one part. “After all, real things are not simple. . . . Reality, in fact, is usually something you could not have guessed. That is one of the reasons I believe Christianity. It is a religion you could not have guessed." 

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

No Hands

A few days ago I was scared out of my mind.  What was I thinking...going on an adventure like this?  I could handle the tour through Tulum and even the snorkeling in a cenote. But repelling from a tall tower and zip lining over 80 feet in the air?  I mean, I'm a mom and a wife and I shouldn't act so recklessly...right? 

There was all this logic pouring out into my brain that felt and looked like fear.  I definitely recognized the fear.  This time I didn't want it to take over my actions because I wanted to face my fears as I knew it would be a lot of fun if I could fight through it. My knees were literally shaking as I'm not that great with heights and my hands were sweating..profusely.  However ridiculously scared out of my mind I was, I mustered up the confidence to repel off that tall tower and zip line...twice!  It was awesome and I was so proud of myself for following through.  There was a freedom and a release of putting aside my logical "thinking" and just doing. 

It made me ask myself what I was really holding onto in the first place.  I don't think I ever have a grasp on anything anyway.  It parallels with what I've been learning lately.  When it really comes down to it, I have no control....even when I think I do.  Life will play out as it's suppose to despite my efforts to worry.  So why not let go and enjoy the ride?  All this coming from a self-diagnosed Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder that suffers from perfectionism and lives with Type-A characteristics. least I'm trying. 
I'm sure you can imagine I was scared out of my mind in this picture.  The photographer told me to let go and can you believe I did...stiff arms all the way to my fingertips.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Motivation Monday: The Student

"When the student is ready, the teacher appears."

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Book 4: Pilgrims Progress

I'll be honest, I didn't make it completely through the whole book.  I'm counting it because I spent over a month trying to complete it.  No worries, I've read the cliff notes so I get how it ends.  Hopefully it'll be a book I finish someday but probably in the childrens version when I read it to Jax.

It's a book full of imagination as the lead character, Christian, takes a journey from his hometown of "the city of destruction" (this world) to the "Celestial City" (that is to come, heaven).