Monday, December 14, 2009

Bye-Bye 2009, Hello 2010!

As I reflect on 2009 and my sweet-a-week goal I can't help but give myself a grade for the year. I feel it's the easiest way to illustrate just how I've done.


The reason I'd give myself a B- is because I tried...most weeks I really tried. Other weeks I failed. There were weeks I would go without sweets and not even want them. Then there were weeks when my goal of one would go out the window. And with two weeks left, I'm still working towards my goal. I didn't give up when (sometimes) I wanted to. It was a goal, a goal that I partially met and now that 2009 is almost over I've been catching myself brainstorm ideas for 2010.

It would be neat to tie in some sort of "10 goal" for 2010. I know I'd like to focus on reading more books, staying on course with exercise and eating less things that aren't good for my body. I want to keep those things at the forefront of the goals. So with that in mind, do you have any ideas for 2010 that would fit into the "10 goal?" I'd love suggestions to chew on for a couple of weeks before it becomes official.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Hi Mandy, I've tried several things in the past in "10's". One was eating in at least 10 meals per week. Since I ate out for almost every meal at one time, that was a challenge. I've also done 10 new healthy recipes per month and I hate to cook! Try 10 new veggies or fruits per month. I've also done adding 10 minutes per week on the elypitcal but that only goes so far or I'd be on it 8 hours straight!
Good Luck and happy New Year!