Monday, April 19, 2010

Movie and Movin' and Munchin'

Beautiful outside, isn't it?! I hope you'll consider joining me this Saturday at 9am for a walk only or a walk-run workout to celebrate the weather and the ability we have to be outside and enjoy it. We'll meet at Pinnacle Physical Therapy to start our workout and then we'll bring it full circle by ending with a yummy stretch.
After the workout think about heading with me to munchin' and movin for Marley, a funderaiser for a 2 year old battling cancer that lives in the Liberty area.

Food Inc. will be on PBS this Wednesday, April 21st at 9pm
It will change the way you think about food. Please, hit the record it and save for later if you don't have time on Wednesday.
"The way we eat has changed more in the last 50 years than in the previous 10,000..."

--Michael Pollan

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