Monday, February 22, 2010

Motivation Monday: Ebb and Flow

Realize motivation is not a constant thing. It's not always around. It comes and goes and comes and goes again, just like the waves of a tide. If we can only grasp that motivation will leave and know it doesn't do so permanently. Search for strength during that time. Be aware that it's gone. Understand that exercise and eating right may not the easiest when motivation leaves. When motivation is on vacation, these things help me get through:

1. Focus on one goal. For me it's usually to stop eating after 7pm.
2. Stomp out negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. I catch myself when I begin thinking negatively and tell myself that it doesn't accomplish anything. That type of thinking only brings me down. So I usually recognize it and figure out how I can turn the situation into a productive/positive one.
3. Find inspiration. Lately that's been tuning into the Winter Olympics. Gosh it's darn amazing what these athletes can do.

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