Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wonder Wendesday: They are all LIES!!

Wonder Wednesday can also be clumps of information I run across that I don't want to forget.  That is today! This was sent to me by a great friend; it's notes from a speaker.  She rocks for taking time to type out the notes and send to me.  Kristine knows me all too well...I love stuff like this because I often have to remind myself....don't believe the lies.



1. Everyone else is fine
this is obvious
the grass is always greener
keeping up with the Jones
we believe that everyone else has something we have
we forget to be ALL RIGHT in our own moment
we change our standard to what someone else has or is achieving
The example she gave is that when she sees another woman with great thighs she thinks their life must be perfect. that they have it all.
we all know that our lives are not perfect so why do we believe that everyone else's is????

2. I can do it MYSELF
--recovering perfectionist
when we try to do it all we suffer from
lower your standard.
we are our toughest critic

3. "I SHOULD..."
we give ourselves an impossible to-do list full of "I shoulds" and we should on ourselves (pun intended!)
I should do the laundry, cloth diaper, vaccinate, make dinner, do a craft, decorate for the holiday, sweep, dishes, mop, volunteer, dust, read, ETC ETC ETC
pressure, stress, anxiety, wish list
"I have to", failure, anger
-keeps us burdened, overworked, stressed, exhausted
Imagine all the things you tell yourself that you SHOULD be doing. How do you feel?
Imagine if someone else were telling you the things you SHOULD be doing. How do you feel?
When it's ME, I feel pressure to maintain all that I want.
When it's someone else telling me, I say SHUT UP!
So why is it different? or the same?
so we GIVE out of obligation and duty and we VEIL this as serving others
*CHALLENGE: eliminate "should" from our vocabulary

4. It is sinful and/or selfish to take time for myself
-our soul needs to be replenished
-God rested! I am not better than Him! I need rest too!

1 comment:

kristine said...

I'm sorry! There was a typo!
we believe that everyone else has something we have
should be: "everyone else has something we WANT"
You go girl. I love this message and hope that you and your readers remind yourselves of these FREQUENTLY! We HAVE perfect lives, it's just that they're all imperfect :) We're all the same. And on the same team for that matter!
Miss you mama! xo